§ 152-11. Prohibited matter, materials and conditions.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The exterior of all premises shall be kept free of the following matter, materials or conditions:
    Refuse, as hereinabove defined.
    Rubbish, as hereinabove defined.
    Abandoned, uncovered or structurally unsound wells, shafts, towers, exterior cellar openings, basement hatchways, foundations or excavations.
    Abandoned iceboxes, refrigerators, heaters, television sets and other similar major appliances.
    Structurally unsafe or unsound buildings, structures or fences or parts thereof.
    Rodents, vermin, pest infestation or rodent harborages.
    Animal excrement piles or manure piles within 100 feet of a property line.
    Buried refuse or rubbish.
    Stagnant surface or ground water accumulations which create or are likely to create mosquito or other insect breeding areas.
    Nuisances, as hereinabove defined.
    Vehicles or parts thereof, including boats and trailers, motorized or not, licensed or unlicensed, registered or unregistered, which vehicles or parts thereof are or have been junked, abandoned, dismantled or are in a state of disrepair for a period of more than two weeks. This subsection shall take effect only where the area in which the vehicles or parts thereof are located is visible from surrounding or adjoining properties. No part of this subsection, however, shall be applicable to properties upon which the business of an automobile body shop or automobile dealership is conducted.
    [Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 1052]
    Dangerously loose and overhanging objects, including but not limited to dead trees or tree limbs, accumulations of ice or any object, natural or man-made, which could threaten the health and safety of persons if caused to fall, or other similar dangerously loose and overhanging objects which, by reason of their location above ground level, constitute an actual hazard to persons or vehicles in the vicinity thereof.
    Inadequate or unsafe foundations, walls, piers and columns and other similar structurally unsound, damaged or defective load-bearing components which are incapable of bearing imposed loads safely at all points.
    Structurally unsound, loose, dangerous, crumbling, missing, broken, rotten or unsafe exterior portions of buildings or structures, including but not limited to porches, landings, balconies, stairways, handrails, steps, walls, overhangs, roofs, fences, supporting members, timbers, abutments, fire escapes, signs or loose, crumbling or falling bricks, stones, mortar or plaster.
    Exterior surfaces or parts of buildings or structures containing sharp, rough or projecting surfaces or objects which might cause injury to persons coming in contact therewith.
    Broken glass or windows; rotten, missing or substantially destroyed window frames and sashes, door frames, exterior component parts of buildings or structures.
    Weeds, brush, stumps, roots and/or tree parts which are obnoxious, noxious or detrimental to public health and safety; this includes but is not limited to poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and ragweed growth. This shall also include dead and dying trees, tree parts and/or limbs or other natural growth, including compost heaps or piles or brush and/or tree parts, which, by reason of rotting or deteriorating conditions, create obnoxious odors or blighting and unsightly factors for adjoining properties or the Township of Wyckoff. Under no circumstances are compost heaps or piles of brush and/or tree parts permitted in front or side yards. In residential zone districts, no compost heaps or piles of brush, wood chips, mulch or any other tree parts shall be more than eight feet in height. The provision of this subsection shall not apply to farmland, pastureland, grazing land, natural or unlandscaped areas and/or undeveloped tracts.
    [Amended 9-16-2003 by Ord. No. 1448]
    Public sidewalks adjacent to such premises which are in need of replacement and/or repair, which constitute a potentially dangerous condition, detrimental or hazardous to the life, health or safety of persons utilizing such sidewalks. Notwithstanding this subsection, the Township shall also continue to have all rights and remedies provided in Chapter 165 of the Code of the Township of Wyckoff, and all sidewalk replacements, repairs and/or reconstruction pursuant to this section must be made consistent with the requirements and specifications contained in Chapter 165.
    [Added 2-4-2014 by Ord. No. 1725]
    Garbage or trash dumpsters shall not be maintained in front yards unless permitted by site plan approval from the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment or municipal approval for temporary construction or renovation purposes.
    In residential zone districts and upon all properties used for residential purposes in whole or in part, parking spaces shall be on paved or gravel driveways constructed and installed and located pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable codes, rules and regulations of the Township of Wyckoff. Parking of motor vehicles on front lawns, yards or landscaped front yards is prohibited except for the purpose of temporary emergency or necessity not to exceed a period of 24 hours.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 186, Zoning.
    The exterior of all premises, the exterior of structures and condition of accessory structures, including fences and walls of any type, shall be kept structurally sound, in good repair and free from defect and shall be maintained so that the appearance of the premises and structures shall not constitute a blighting factor for adjoining properties or the Township of Wyckoff, such as but not limited to structural collapse, excessive peeling paint, graffiti, rotting or decay.
    Landscaping, lawns, grass, weeds or any vegetation whatsoever, not edible or planted for some useful or ornamental purpose, shall not be permitted to grow or remain on any property in excess of eight inches in height.
    [Amended 3-19-1996 by Ord. No. 1238]
    General maintenance. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure, including signs and fences, shall be maintained in good repair. The same shall be maintained free of broken glass, loose shingles, crumbling stone or brick, excessive peeling paint or other conditions reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance, to the end that the property itself may be preserved, safety and fire hazards eliminated and adjoining properties and the Township of Wyckoff be protected from blighting influences.